08 January 2011

New blog

Hey everyone! (if anyone is even still reading this..since i failed to post a lot..sorry!)

Just wanted to say that I am starting a new blog, about my past (in norway) and my life now back in Ohio. If anyone's interested the url is: nicolemarie802.tumblr.com

thanks! :)

05 August 2010

And my future begins..!

I flew home from Norway on May 5, 2010. I was actually supposed to come home on July 5th, but I ended up being accepted to a special medical school program. I had to begin college in the first week of JUNE! This was a bit stressful because I was looking forward to having a nice long summer to relax and see my friends and family.

The school program I am in right now allows me to finish undergraduate and medical school in 6 years. The normal amount of time is 8 years. I have been going to school for the past two months and absolutely love it. I was scared the first day to meet everyone, but I made some really good friends here. I love everyone in the program! Classes are a bit hard, but that's probably because I am not used to actually doing homework. As most of you already know, I did not have to do that much homework in norway haha. And now I have lab reports to do every day and tests to study for every night! It's a lot of work, but I feel so far it has been worth it.

Pictures :) I'll put up more later!

02 May 2010

Oh my goodness..

I dag er det bursdagen min, og det er SNØ ute!!! Jeg kan ikke tenke om det hahaha. Det er den første gang jeg har sett snø i mai! Men det er litt spesielt å feire bursdagen min med snø, jeg skal aldri gleme det!! Familien min kjem her kl 2 og vi skal spise lunsj sammen og bare kose oss! I morres mamma, pappa, hanna og ingvild kjem inne romet mitt og sang gratulerer med dagen til meg! Det var såååå koselig! De også hadde brownies med lys og gaver! =] Det var en kjempefin start på dagen! :)) Bilder seinere!

Today is my birthday, and there is snow outside!! I can't even think about it hahaha. It is the first time I have seen snow in May! But it's a little special to celebrate my birthday with snow, I will never forget it!! My family is coming here around 2 o'clock and we are eating lunch together and cozying ourselves! (I know that sounds funny in english ;)) This morning my mom, dad, hanna and ingvild came in my room and sang happy birthday to me! It was so cozy! They also had brownies with a candle and gifts! =] It was a very good start for the day!! :)) Pictures later!

22 April 2010


Påskeferie - jeg var i Ona (en øy) med Vanessa og familie hennes. Det var veldig morsomt! Vi bare avslappet og badet, som var veldig kaldt!

Neste dagen jeg var med familie min, og vi var på hytte. Vi gikk på tur opp et fjell og det var kjempe bra! Veldig vakkert å stå på toppen av fjellet og se ut over alt! Jeg elsker natur her i Norge, skal savne det!

Jeg har også prøvd mye italiensk mat fra Vanessa (hun kommer fra italia) og her er noe bilder!

12 April 2010


Jeg har vært på Island med geografi klassen min!

The Blue Lagoon! Amazing place, I wouldn't mind visiting there again!

Our room at the hostel in Reykjavik

Icelandic money (kroner)

Tingvallir, in southwest iceland, where the rock is separating 19 millimeters every year.

Big car..lol

Gullfoss, waterfall

me and anette

The Geysirs! I never would have thought I would see a real geysir in my whole life! It was very cool hahaha
I never got a picture when it was all the way up in the sky, but the explosion was huge!

Another waterfall, I am not sure what the name is

I don't know what to call this place, but it was pretty cool

Bathroom sign, I thought it was funny

Food we got one night

In the city! Downtown Reykjavik

I believe this is Myrdalsjøkull, a river where they can tell when a volcano is going to erupt by the stuff in the water.

I don't remember the name of this waterfall! grrr

Reynisfjara Beach in Vik, Iceland. Its a black sand beach, pretty cool!

The glacier, yet again I never thought I would ever see a real glacier, in person. It was amazing.

Our guide and my teacher!

On the buss...hahaha

another breathtaking waterfall. it was amazing because there was a rainbow on the left, and we got to walk all the way around it, and of course got soaked, but it was definitely worth it!

In the town again..

The power plant

More pictures, I forget where these were taken

So much wind!

The church downtown

Jeg hadde det veldig bra på Island, og er veldig glad jeg kom til å reise dit! Nå har jeg vært i 3 land: USA, Norge og Island! =]